Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Some may know him as Jimmy from Degrassi, this is the insanely talented, Aubrey Drake Graham. I'm not one of those crazy girls that gets psycho over someone just because he's cute or famous. But, when I find an artitst who is really coming hard with something fresh and real, I fall in love. There is so many fake marketing packages running around in music. Drake is truly one of those people who loves the art of music and dedicates himself to creating it.

With thats said he's going to be at GSU on friday and I've got tickets, Tiffany (who lsitens to his CD everyday) and I are going. We're dying!

Yes, That's A Diamond Bart Simpson Chain He is Wearing...

There's this foolishness called "Orange Crush" going on right now around here. It's Savannah's black college, spring break, week-long, party. I'm from Miami where we have our own version of it and it's god awful! Guys groping girls, girl's looking wratched, it's hot, crowded, smoky and unnecessary. Bahumbug! My boyfriend, who is a local, keeps trying to drag me out to one of the events, and I have been coming up with every excuse to stay as far away from it all as possible. Thursday night is the Gucci Mane concert at Frozen Paradise. Georgians LOVE him. I HATE him. His songs are the definiton of ignorant! There's the new single "Stupid," but we can't forget fan favorite, "Booty Shorts" and the club banger "Choppa-Shoppin". Don't get me wrong, I love rap. Im down for a good ass shakin' song every now and then but this is NOT rap it's CRAP!!!!

Pa pa pa pokerface, pa pa pokerface

I don't really do figure skating, but this little firecracker Johnny Weir and his routine to Lady Gaga's Pokerface is too deliciously gay to miss!!!


P.S. Everyone who knows how obsessed I am with Lady Gaga asks me what she's really talking about in her songs (her songs usually say one thing but mean another). Poker face is about her bi-sexuality. She'd find when she was with some guys she was really thinking about a girl. "HE can't read my pokerface, SHE'S got me like nobody).

Mrs. Hope confronts a hoe

I went to see Mrs. Hope today with Mary-Kate. She . Is. Real!!! I don't believe in stuff like that, I really went on a silly whim (thanks Katelan) but I left in awe.

She said not to tell, so I won't broadcast what she told me and some of the stuff is so personal, it's stuff I keep from close friends. Mrs. Hope, didn't just generalize nor did she give vague assumptions. She pin-pointed to specific situations head-on. One time I got teary-eyed and almost fell out of my chair.

A palm reading (which is what I got) is $35, some may consider it pricey and/or frivolous but it's an experience i think everyone should try just once.

Go see her she's the real thing!

Conversations with Tiffany J. Oglesby and Ashley J. O'Ferrall

Tonight, I have a guest on my blog. I am so excited to introduce the beautiful, magical girl that I call best-friend, TIFFANY JIMMEAH OGLESBY!!!! (crowd roars, cue Beyonce' Halo)

Ashley: So, Tiffany what would you like to discuss this evening?

Tiffany: Oh gosh... I don't even know what to say

Ashley: Don't be nervous baby girl, let have

Tiffany: You know what I just thought of? The first day I met your beautiful face.

Ashley: Ummm really? Tell me about it... (don't tell her that I don't really remember you guys)

Tiffany: ....

Ashley: Bitch! You don't even remember!

Ashley: However, I have a fond early memory of us!

Tiffany: Oh, please! Do share!

Ashley: HALLOWEEN!!!!!! That's the first time you called me.... BEST FRIEND (tear)

Ashley: You were drunk...

Ashley: But I'm sure you meant it

Tiffany: Oh, come on! I did mean it! Because I wasn't drunk. Duh!

Ashley: LIAR! The first step is acceptance brah! Denial is not just a river in France.

Tiffany: Ok... I accept the fact that I love you so much baby angel :)

Ashley: (cue the sound of me creaming, EVERYWHERE!!!!)

Yummy Lemon Pepper Chicken

I made this lemon pepper chicken two nights in a row and everyone has been dying over it. If my picky ass boyfriend likes it, trust it's good!

Get some chicken wings (as many as you want)

Squeeze a lemon over the wings, just 1 0r 2, and massage the chicken to make sure the juice gets in the meat.

Take sum paprika, garlic salt, seasoning salt, black pepper, salt, and lemon pepper seasoning to create a rub for your chicken. I like to add a dash of each one by one and rub each one on the chicken. Don't overwhelm it with seasoning because the flavor will be ridiculously intense and probably gross. Do just enough to lightly coat the chicken. Of all the seasonings you want the most lemon pepper (it's lemon pepper chicken.) Let the rub sit on the chicken for about an hour.

While the wings are sitting prepare the gravy. Take a cup and a half of chicken broth and a teaspoon of gravy master (2 if you like your gravy dark) Finely chop up an onion and stalk of celery (a handful of chopped onions and celery is perfect). Add the same spices from the rub to the gravy, a dash of each is fine. mix it and let it sit. It's not meant to be a thick gravy, it's more like a glaze, I call it chicken juice.

Once your rub has set in, dip each wing into your chicken juice, and let it fully saturate.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees

Place it on the bottom rack for an hour

You're done!

Problems may start in the bar but they shouldn't end up in the back of them Part Deux

Now I know I said my friends and I weren't going downtown for a while but...

The fabulous Jake invited Tiffany (best-friend) and I out to some dance thing. By the time we get to the dance thing it's over. So we go to Saya, (lame) then Venus. It's crowded as hell, (like all Thursday nights) but I manage to find a seat at the bar. I patiently wait my turn to order my drink, than this scrawny, meth-faced foreign girl comes over and sits on the bar stool, with me! I re-adjust my body, to ensure my ass fills the seat. As opposed to saying. "Oh I'm so sorry for damn near sitting on you," she cuts her eyes. I look at Tiffany and she grabs my arm and says, "Please, not tonight!" I just chuckle and relax.

The chick then squeezes her way to the bar, right in front of me and leans on my knees. I tell her to, please, get the fuck off of me, and she says, " I need to pay my tab," with a little attitude. I explain to her that's fine but she doesn't need to lean on me to do so and she damn sure needs to say excuse me. She gives me a half assed, "excuse me" and whispers to her friend some pissy comment.

This heffer was not paying her tab, she was ordering drinks! The nerve. So I begin to push people into her and laugh. Then I stuck my boots in her face "accidently on purpose." Tiffany says, Let's just leave." We say good-bye to Jake, the Meth girl is throwing daggers at me with those crazy crack eyes of hers. Jake accidently (for real this time) hits the girl when he hugs Tiffany good-bye. She gets angry and I say, "bad things happen to bad people." We walk out of the bar and I stop to say hello to a friend. That's when I feel a tiny backsplash on my left shoulder. Then, I see the girl, her arm is flung over her shoulder holding an empty cup, and Tiffany running to the door.

That girl tried to throw her drink at me. She completely missed and it got all over Tiffany. Tiffany's six feet tall, this girls was like five feet.

Tiffany starts yelling at her and the girl throws her empty cup at Tiffany. Tiffany grabs the girl's hair and proceeded to bash her fist into her head...

We're not going downtown anymore. For real!

Problems may start in a bar, but they shouldn't end up in the back of them Part 1

OK, I do not, repeat, DO NOT condone violence. However, I am an advocate for self-defense, and the reality of life is, sometimes, people are going to try you and you're going to have to correct them.

The night started off great. My best-friend and I went to the Saturday night 10:30 drag show at Club One. After the show, we left downtown to go pickup a friend in my best-friend's car. We knew our space would still be there, because it is in front of a bar, and does not really look like a space, but, it definitely is. So we get back, sure enough the spot's still open. There are some people from the bar standing in it so we politely ask them to move. They're telling us it's not a space we're saying it is, but the vibe is still mostly friendly. Then everything goes from 0 to 60. These two guys, (who were standing in the space) taller than six feet, easily 200 pounds, run on top of my best friend's car and throws a full cup of beer into the passenger side window (which is where I was lucky enough to be sitting). Of course, angry as hell, the three of us were determined to get them back. We park, pull out the pepper spray and hunt.

We run into their female accomplice. She says, "I have no idea who threw the beer, i don't even know those guys." I knew she was lying but I could not do anything about that. So we walk around downtown, 15 minutes later we run into the whole gang and the little lying bitch. At first when we confront them, they act completely clueless, like they've never even us before. Eventually, we begin to yell, they begin to yell and the police pull up. They guys take off but I block in the girl. The police question her, she lies, again, and then says she wants to press charges against my best-friend for threatening her. The whole time while the police officer's back is turned, she's just smirking and giggling like, "Haha I'm gonna get away with this and there's nothing you can do about it."

Now, I don't want to perpetuate any stereotypes, but ths is when the hood in me clicked on and all I could think was, by the end of the night I need to beat this bitches ass. They attacked me and my friends for no reason, for a parking spot! This is not the 1960's where you can treat negroes any kind of way and get away with it. I had to get her.

We find the girl a few minutes after the police leave and she's in Sweet Melissa's with the guys she, "doesn't know" She sees us and starts skipping around, hiding in the crowd laughing and running from me. I threaten to pepper spray her, and she and one of the guys who ran on the car take off running. My friends and I take off after them, and soon it's just me doing the chasing. He screams, "I'm gonna fuckin drop you in a minute." I scream, " Then drop me, bitch!" He screams, "You're actin' like a man now!" So I scream, "Then come kick this man's ass." Then he slows down in front of CVS and yells, "You know what you're acting like? You're acting like a dumb nigger!"

This is when the shit hit's the fan. People, I hate running. I was tired as hell. Honestly, I probably would have said fuck it and stopped chasing them. Untill he caled me a nigger...

I stop and tell my friends and they become enraged. We hop into sum random passer-by's car and ask them to drop us off up the street (by now that's as far as the two had gotten). I run up to them and yell, "Uh-huh it's the nigga's!" He begins to say it again and I pepper spray the both of them. She takes off creaming and crying towards Sweet Melissa's. and he's screaming some shit about if you aint white, you aint right and I should be hanging, blah blah blah. I run out of pepper spray, so I throw the empty canister, and then I throw my shoe. He tries to bite threw it like some kind of dumbass dog. Then a bunch if white guys push him, (we're in the middle of broughton now) and tell him to shut up, and he's wrong for what he's saying. Then the argument gets to the front of Sweet Melissa's. There is a ton of black guys, fresh out the club, we tell them what he said to us and they swarm him. I see the girl standing alone, crying and holding a wet towel over her eye. She was calling the police. I say, "you see all this shit yall started, yeah talk shit now." She screams in my face, "I didn't do anything to you bitch!" I took my right hand and back slapped her, then I took my shoes and beat her in the face with them. That's when I saw the red and blue flashing light and took off running.

A taxi driver who saw the whole thing picked us up and offered to take us to our car (now parked on MLK)

We decided not to go downtown for a while...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

One Time For All The People Who Mis-managed Their Money!!!!

Ok i'm sure, this is probably in incredibly poor taste. Yes, there are people who are really and truly struggling due to the economic crisis. Not everyone bought houses they couldn't afford or lived beyond their means. Some lost jobs. Some became ill. It is not my intention to make light of their current situation.

Now that that's been said...

Thamk the lord for this recession!!!!

I mean my god, the sales are insane!!! Everything is on sale, it's like America is having on big ass yard-sale.

Example 1: My Chanel Ballet Flats

They were originally in the low $700's then marked down to the mid $500's I bought them in the lower $200 range!

Example 2: 40% off ALL spa treatments at the ICON

The Icon are the new hip, artsy, eccentric condos in South Beach. They're openign up a new spa at The Icon that open to both residences and the public and all treatments are a whopping 40% off.

So trendy, so chic. The floor doubles as a mini pool/pond type of deal. You can lay in it in your bikini, just walk through it, or lounge in the furniture that sits in it. Apparently they're keeping the deal going till summer (no discounts for the Euro tourists, not when we KNOW they'll pay top-dollar!) I've already made my appointment, but there is a list, I'll be sneaking away mid-may.

My First Lady is FIERCE!!!!!!!!

Yeeessss!!! Yeesssss!!!! YEEESSSSS!!!!! For the ensemble Michelle!! Or to put it as I heard a young woman so eloquently say, "Michelle Obama be stuntin on dem hoes!"

Mama Michelle shows us all why SHE is the one who got Barack. In the top picture, the way the light hits her in that mint green pencil skirt and bejeweled cardigan. She just looks fresh. No not 80's Will Smith fresh, but that just out the shower, brush your teeth with baking soda fresh!

The second look is my favorite. BTW belting over the sweater is the new "in" thing. Gold looks sexy on any shade of brown skin. This piece was designed by Jason Wu. The two of them together are a fashionable force to be reckoned with!!

The last look is a darling Chanel-esque tweed coat by Thakoon.

President Obama you better call Ozwald Boateng ASAP and step up the suit game because Michelle is outshining you!!!! lol

The artist formerly known as the Chocolate Heiress

When people here the title "Chocolate Heiress," they think one of three things:

1-"Aww, how cute."

2."shouldn't your last name be like Hershey or something?"

2- "Oh bitch please, get over yourself!"

Chocolate Heiress was a nickname I got in high school (I think it would a little desperate to name yourself heiress). People would always tease me and call me the black Paris Hilton, my friends, my family, even teachers! At first it pissed me off, I assumed I was being called a follower. I am definitely nothing like the little carbon copy Paris-Hilton Wannabee's that weigh 99 pounds, carry pastel Louis' and teeny dogs. OK, so I'm lying, I do have a pastel Louis and a Shih Tzu and a yorkie. But I do have something those girls don't, (an extra 30 pounds of fat and) a mind of my own! Those girls like clothes, I live and breathe for fashion. Those girls could live contenly on daddy's credit card their whole lives, I want to be more succesful than my dad by the age of 30.

My mom said "Chocolate" was ghetto and that I should change it to Ebony because that's much more refined (eye rolls). Whatever it takes to pacify the dream killer (my mom's nickname lol)

I titled this blog "The Adventures of An Ebony Heiress," because I want it chronicle my life, my journey, my adventures!

Everything from my crazy family, school, relationships, becoming a bottom of the pile no-name intern, and everything that inspires me to wake up in the morning.

I'm brutally honest with myself and about everything I see and hear. I have opinions on it all and I don't judge.